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TODAY'S NEWS, Thursday-Saturday, October 24-26, 2024

Writer's picture: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

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1) Nevada Rs continue to rack up the early vote advantage, tacking on another 8,000 to their 16,000 edge yesterday. In an absolute stunner, North Carolina Rs took a 3,000 lead in early voting there. Has never happened in history. Dems only lead by 2,000 in NH. Trump's McDonald's "stunt" caused him to gain significantly in favorability with Gen Zers (+30%). Miami-Dade County in FL just flipped to R. In PA, the DemoKKKrat early vote lead has been slashed by TWO THIRDS from 2020. Perhaps that is why, again, another DemoKKKrat campaign insider says it's over. "IIt’s close.’ Yes, it’s close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that,” one Democratic strategist said. “Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.”

Here is the only untrue part of that statement: it isn't close. Trump leads nationally with accurate polling by 2.5 to 3, and leads the Electoral Collage (almost a lock at this point) with 312 EVs and heading upward. Mark Halperin reports that Cackles has no more shots to win. "There's no more 'the more she does it the better she'll get.'" New York Times's Nate Cohn agrees: Trump can win the popular vote. Ah, little Natey, Trump WILL win the popular AND EC vote. Cankles (remember her?) knows this. She's been there. So has President Trump, who said "I'm not supposed to say this but we're leading by so much." So is that why Cackles whiffed on appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast? Trump's appearance on Rogan pulled blowout numbers.

2) Miami became the first big US city to flip to red after Republicans took the lead in early voting there.

3) Early voting is down (heavily so among DemoKKKrats, particularly "cat ladies" and low propensity voters). Yet this story says early voting is up in WI. Oh, and Cackles is in TX because of the abortion issue, not cuz Texas is "in play."

4) For those who do polls, President Trump leads nationally in a new WSJ poll by 3 (endgame) and is up 1 in a Franklin and Marshall poll that had Biden up 11 at this point. The NY Slimes had a national tie, but in a full race Trump was up one. But this is really getting interesting, as Trump is down just one in the latest VA poll (remember, he underpolls by 2.1). Democracy Institute is Trump +3 national and up in the swing states by plenty. By the way, Patrick Basham of DI will be a guest on our election night coverage at DecisionUSA2024.

6) President Trump is getting a record 25% of black men. That must mean his overall black % must be around 35%. Meanwhile young men overall are leaving the DemoKKKrat Party, now down to only 39% id as Ds.

7) President Trump is proposing a complete end to the income tax. Wow.

8) And the GOP is actually mapping out Trump's first 100 days in office. Be careful Mr. President. You be YOU. Run your agenda, not theirs.

9) Shocked, I tell ya: America's business leaders are moving left. Axios is just figuring this out. They are coming increasingly from uber-liberal universities and have been preached woke from day 1; they are heavily influenced by woke H&R and marketing departments; the "managerial hierarchies" separate business leaders from accountability or innovation.

10) Following in the footsteps of the Los Angeles Slimes, the Washington Compost did not endorse Cackles. Libtards were canceling their subscriptions by the thousands. But the New York Post endorsed Trump: "Back to the Future!"

13) A judge threw out a case against Elon Musk for his giving away $1 million to voters.

14) The National Institute of Health is just the latest DEI casualty that needs to be ripped up at the root and scattered to the wind. It has nothing whatsoever to do with science or medicine now.


15) Rutabaga and Cackles gave "quiet anmnesty" to 1 million. Wait, only a million?


16) In New Kabul (NYC), city employees may soon get paid leave to care for sick pets. This is what happens in a childeless world.


17) A group of pro-trans doctors hid the results of a taxpayer-funded study that showed that "transitioning" kids is harmful.


18) A Taiwanese semiconducter firm in Arizona is producing more yield than any factories located in Taiwan.

19) The U.S. Geological Survey found a massive lithium deposit in Arkansas. Guess we don't need the ChiComs after all.

20) David Blackmon reports that Camilla Thorndike, an anti-oil NUT would be in charge of energy for a Cackles presidency.

21) Creators of a new "super battery" for EVs say it will have a week's charge and be good for 249 miles. Great. Now, throw some water on it; drive the car from, say, Phoenix to Why, NM; and give us a price tag under $50,000 and it might . . . might . . . be viable.


24) Another week, another electric battery catastrophe as in Taiwan mothballed electric busses just exploded into flames, while in Germany a fire station burned down when an EV caught fire. Meanwhile, this electric air taxi company is broke.

25) Useless France has arrested seven people charged with "cyberbullying" of the spoogecommittee who created the blasphemous, demonic Paris Olympics.


26) "Venom: Last Dance" looks like it might track domestically below "Black Adam." Internationally, a slightly better story. Venom's budget was a reported $120 million before marketing so it still might make a few pennies.


29) Cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome exploded after the China Virus vax was introduced.


30) Doctors in the UK are looking at claims that makeup can give you cancer. KISS greatly concerned.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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