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TODAY'S NEWS, September 5, 2024

Writer: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart

1) Wisconsin ain' t goin' for Cackles. IN POLITICAL NEWS, Seth Keshel, in a county by county analysis of the Cheese State notes that President Trump in the most pessimistic prediction will carry Wisconsin by43,000 votes (1.3%) and in the most optimistic projection, by 4%. This national poll has Trump up 2 and nearly at 50%.

2) How badly are the polls off? Anywhere from 1-4 points depending---but ALL of them were always off to the left. Gee, why is that? I mean if it was "just accidental" or a traditional error, 50% would be off in each direction. Meanwhile LIttle Natey Silver says Trump's chances of winning are now 58%, back to where they were when Rutabaga was the candidate. Yes, Trump's chances of winning are high, but Silver is a chodepossum.

5) The Aurora, Colorado Venezuelan gang problem in the apartment complexes continues to fester as the Denver mayor and Colorado gov. continue to ignore it.

6) Trump on the Faux News Town Hall, talking about Snuffalupagus ("Slopolopagus") and said, "I've had him up to here" (pointing to his waste.)

7) This is how evil these DemoKKKrats are: in WI, RFK, Jr. has to SUE to get his own name off the ballot there. Well done, Bobby. Thank you for your persistence.

9) Boston media is now reporting that Cackles is literally bussing "supporters" from even to event, giving new meaning to the famous racist "bussing" debates of the 1960s.

10) Honestly I didn't think I'd write this headline: Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno holds small lead. If he is even tied, Trump will easily pull him over on election day. Also, was told last night---haven't confirmed---that Lake is now within 2 in AZ.

11) Hunter Biteme is expected to plead guilty in the tax case against him, for which he'll get three hours of community service.

12) Surprise! Walter Ringfield, the DemoKKKrat operative who stole a computer key from the elections center in Maricopa County, AZ has a long history of theft. So of course we give him access to voting machines.

13) Efforts to keep RFK on ballots in battleground states won't work: he has announced he will be appearing with President Trump at rallies and will instruct his supporters to MAGA and MAHA (Make America Healthy Again).

14) The kid shooter in Georgia had an obsession with other school shooters.


15) A new CNN report shows that nearly 40% of Americans have trouble paying their bills under Rutabaga/Cackles.

16) Shipbuilding expert Brian Potter on why the US no longer is competitive in building ships. (China outbuilds us hundreds-to-one).

17) Lumber Liquidators will close all 442 stores.

18) Stanley Black and Decker tool maker is under fire for DEI mandates from its suppliers.


19) Irena Slav noes that now, because wildfires generate so much carbon emissions that now the "climate change" lunatics want to cut down forests Can you say Sauroman?

20) Putin endorsed Cackles, because she would be easy for Russia to actually control as opposed to the idiot Department of INJustice views on who Russia controls.

21) Boo hoo. International progressive spoogecakes are concerned that the "ultraright" has discredited "woke." No, little ya little cataleptic walking aneurisym, You did that all by your widdle selfs.


22) It was only a matter of time. Looney Tunes has banned guns in their cartoons. I guess there will be no more Wabbit Hunting.



24) Beanless coffee is taking off. Right. Just like that fake meat. No thanks. By the way, my favorite coffee is Clint Black's Cowboy Coffee.


Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo

Link to buy larry a coffee


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