ERRATA: The other day I ascribed the phrase "We got the meats" to James Earl Jones. It was Ving Rhames. But he did a great JEJ impression!
1) IN POLITICAL NEWS Thank God for Texas, as the state has been the only one so far to stand up to the Venezuelan gangs, shutting down the El Paso gang hotel after a mere 633 panicked calls.
2) After fact checking the fact checkers from the debate, Out of Time Magazine discovered that, gee, President Trump was right and Cackles supported transoid surgeries funded by taxpayers. And when it came to babies born alive then killed, looks like there were at least EIGHT in Minnesota, the home of Moloch. Oh, and this assessment of the debate is that both Cackles and ABC will pay a heavy price. And Little Natey Silver's "forecast" actually increased Trump's lead by about a point after the debate. So still think Trump shouldn't have done the debate? Cackles has now agreed to do a bunch of (friendly) sit down interviews. That's how bad her #s were. Then there's the Insider Advantage MI poll (3/3 now) that has Trump up 1 in MI.

3) Well, I been sayin it and sayin it. Ain't I been sayin' it? Cue Russell Case (Randy Quaid) from "Independence Day." It looks like finally we will rid ourselves of Testicles (Jon Tester D-MT) in the senate. This officially gives Trump an R senate of 51-49, plus the tie breaker (Vance). We need 2 more seats (Moreno, Lake, or McCormick) to move outside the RINO zone of Susan "Tom" Collins and MurCowSki, plus whatever scabpicker Utah foists on us to punish us for forcing Minion Romney out.
4) The SS guy in charge of presidential protective units, Michael Plati, resigned and will get full bennies. He should get a small cell in Gitmo.
5) So this is key. Bear with me while we go through some numbers. The Nevada Secretary of State did a voter roll purge and removed 65,000 inactive voters (i.e., dead DemoKKKrats) from the rolls. This worked out to a 23,000 R gain. NV now has a D advantage of just 19,000 and shrinking daily, contrasted with over 88,000 in 2020. Trump "lost" by 33,000. Right now, he is projected to take the state by 10,000 in the most neutral analysis, or by 38,000 in a more generous analysis. Or how about Duval Co., FL where in the early ballot requests Ds are down 4.6% and Rs up 7% from 2020? Why is this consistent across the board in all states, a 4-5 point massive shift toward Trump, and yet the idiot pollsters can't see it? (Cuz they don't want to).
6) So Cackles' debate performance was that bad? Rutabaga was seen putting on a Trump2024/MAGA hat. Interesting that Cackles is now EXACTLY where Rutabaga was with the working class back in June, -17.
7) Are they trying to prepare for a steal? There are concerns the USPS can handle the mail-in voting. USPS says, "no problemo."
8) Long time Tennessee politician Jim Sasser, dead at 87.
9) My colleague @RealSKeshel has his analysis of Pennsylvania competed and has Trump winning by 70,000. Remember in 2016 how President Trump did an end run by going through FascistBook? Well now he is Tik-Tokable, and Cackles isn't.
10) First Kollyfornia, now New Kabul (NYC) will set up a reparations task force so they can spend a couple of million dollars to figure out the city cannot afford reparations.
11) White House executive clumpdumper John Kirby accidentally sent an email to everyone in which he said that the complaints about the botched Afghanistan pullout were a "handful of vets."
12) Wow, the WaCompost is admitting that the Hurricane Hoax caused by climate change didn't show up this year.
13) David Blackmon, the Rush Limbaugh of energy, notes that industry execs are reversing course and realizing, "Gee, we need more grid. NOW!"
14) Rich millennials are fleeing New York and Kollyfornia for sun-soaked states. Before being admitted in, they should undergo a mind-reprogramming session.
15) Worldwide, EV sales are up 20%. In Europe, they are down 33%. Wanna take a guess on where most are sold? In a communist country that can force them on people.
16) This Colombian singer was executed waiting outside the venue where he was to perform.
17) This story from the UK Daily Mail: "I'm a top divorce lawyer and here's the mistake men need to stop making if they want to stay married." Well, this is a no brainer. Stop saying "Oh God! Lisa" when your wife's name is Maureen.

Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
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