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Writer's pictureLarry Schweikart

TODAY'S NEWS in REVIEW, September 22-26, 2024

Updated: Sep 27

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

REMINDER: I will be doing a live election night webcast with Seth Kesehel and Ashe Epp for DecisionUSA2024. Go to for more information.

This will be one of regular TODAY'S NEWS updates that will be forthcoming in the next few months as I must refocus on completing America in the 21st Century.


1) This has not been a good polling week for Cackles, despite a few superficially "good" polls for her. Whether they are ties or one-point leads in some battleground states, the reality is that not only are pollsters DemoKKKrat heavy (because virtually no one has taken new voter registration shifts into account) but they are significantly undercounting and underweighting whites. Their white shares are simply too low, said pollster Richard Baris. In Pennsylvania, DemoKKKrats are down 300,000 registered voters from 2020; In the process, the vote=registering machine for the Republicans, Scot Presler, has led the charge in flipping to red four PA counties: Berks, Bucks, Beaver, and Luzerne. Not surprisingly then, the early ballot requests from DemoKKKrats are also down 300,000. That my friends, should be the ball game for PA. And according to Gallup's latest national poll of voter identification, Trump should win the popular vote by 2.5 points. Further evidence of this is that DemoKKKrats are now openly expressing their view that Trump is underpolling. As DemoKKKrat pollster Celinda Lake said, What accentuates my concern is when you poll people who have not voted in ’20 but are planning to vote today, they are disproportionately Trump voters.”

2) Quinnipiac, normally a very left- leaning pollster, now has President Trump +1 nationally, which would translate into at least 312 electoral votes, with Trump winning PA, MI, and WI as well as AZ, GA, and NC. And what has to be just chilling for DemoKKKrats is that early vote analysis by Baris shows Trump winning Clark Co., NV, which would put NV in Trump's column as well. Both Trump and Cackles agreed to separate town halls with Univision, which in Trump's case is a clear move to gain even more support from Hispanics in New Mexico and Nevada.

3) In VA, the same dynamic is at work. Whereas normally DemoKKKrats run up the numbers with the early vote, it's not happening this time. As always they lead in the early vote in Virginia, but the numbers in the blue counties trail those of the red counties by a lot:

Virginia Early Voting Summary To Date (comparison to 2020)

Strong Trump Counties +63%

Weak Trump Counties +58%

Competitive Counties  +36%

Weak Harris Counties +23%

Strong Harris Counties +26%

4) Then we have this poll of Notre Dame students. No, they are not a "cross section" of America. They gave Rutabaga over 60% support in 2020. Yet in yesterday's poll, President Trump leads. This comes on the widespread survey of Teamsters, whose support for President Trump was off the charts. Oh, and those Hispanics who have been trending R? The latest Quinnipiac poll has Trump winning Hispanics nationally 52-48%. Whoop! Dere it is! (This was confirmed by the New York Slimes poll that had Cackles fall 11 points among Hispanics in AZ).

5) Here race car driver Danica Patrick campaigns for President Trump. I'm sure the leftists will counter with a WNBA player who is a man posing as a woman campaigning for Cackles.

7) The government hoax involving the Patriot Day (J6) "pipebombs" is unraveling. Now the FascistBI conveniently "lost" the video footage.

8) The new USAF B-21 stealth bomber is an "expensive" success. I have worked on the U.S. Navy's Ohio class submarine program, writing the history of that program (, with Doug Dalgleish, 1984) and have written the official history of the USAF X-30 research program, the National Aero-Space Plane. Every single new "next-step" program has troubles, and usually goes over cost estimates. And most that I've seen end up being the best in the world. (The X-30 was canceled but, after all, it was a RESEARCH program and they got the materials, fuel, and computational fluid dynamics to work as promised)

9) President Trump was told in a briefing that Iran has made other attempts on his life. He was also informed that the Secret Service did not have sufficient assets to protect him at a Wisconsin rally. While this has the earmarks of truth, I do not trust the "intelligence community" to give him honest briefings, and they could be using this to dissuade him from holding rallies.

10) Something is going on within the left. I still don't know what it is. A New York Grand Jury has now indicted Eric the Red Adams of New Kabul (NYC). But this appears part of a bigger and longer "Night of the Long Knives." Let's review:

*In 2021 Governor Andrew Cuomo was forced out. (There was speculation he attempted witness tampering with someone in the China Virus investigations)

*On September 3, the former aide to both Cuomo (Nipplepin Venthoarder) and current governor Kathy Hochul (Hock-a-Loogie) was indicted. for being a ChiCom agent.

*On September 18, Sean P. Diddley Combs, who has recently lived in New York City and Scarsdale. His Los Angeles house was raided on March 25, and he was arrested last week.

*On September 25, Mayor Eric The Red Adams's top fund raiser and director of Asian affairs were both named in a sealed indictment.

*Now, Eric the Red Adams himself was indicted as well.

Finally this story: "Voters in NY Swing Districts Sour on Hochul." Hmm. Are the DemoKKKrats actually concerned about losing New York?

12) Lest Atlanta be left out of the corruption toilet, Fat Fani Willis's lover has gone missing as the Georgia House seeks to subpoena him.

13) The idiots in Kollyfornia have banned single use propane tanks for camping.


14) A Maine mayor has told elderly residents to take out reverse mortgages to pay their higher taxes due to the illegal criminal invaders.

15) Lessee, where did you hear this a YEAR ago when I prophesied the "Two DemoKKKrat Civil Wars?" This ex-gang member says it's gonna be gangbangers vs. Venezuelans in the cities.


16) It may take a while, but law Professor Amy Wax is going to own the U. of Pennsylvania. The school put her on suspension at half pay and terminated her endowed chair because she actually insisted that students hear both sides.

17) Young men are now more religious than young women. If the Biblical standard of men leading is followed, this is a very good sign.


18) More than 20 Attorneys General have warned the National Academy of Pediatrics it may be breaking the law with its transoid statements.


19) It looks as though Wall Street is beginning to line up behind President Trump, as Citi's Jamie Dimon---by the way, I need to pay that credit card bill---supports a Musk-led "efficiency" commission. I'm ok with that, so long as it begins with a 90% reduction in the size of all agencies.

20) An iconic frozen food delivery company, Schwan's, has called it quits. Likewise, Big Lots, already in bankruptcy, closed more stores.

21) Boo hoo. Job losses are piling up at tech and media in Silicon Valley and Groomer City (San Francisco). To paraphrase Bill Clinton, "Ah don't feel yer pain."


22) In Scotland, legislation banning prayer or protests outside abortion mills has gone into effect. Where is the 21st century William Wallace to fight this injustice?

23) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says attacks on Hezbollah will not stop. Good.

24) This should be funny. Just as we have the DemoKKKrat civil wars of Hamas/Pale Murder Pirates vs. Jews and illegal criminal aliens vs. black residents, now we have an international civil war between the tekkies and the environmental whackos as the power needs of AI come crashing into the UN's goofball agenda for ending fossil fuels.

25) The evil EU, already getting its ass kicked by American business despite the terrible climate here from the Rutabaga administration, has now passed laws that any American companies with a half-billion dollars' worth of business in the EU must comply with their idiotic ESG rules.


26) Valiant Renegade's latest podcast showed that, in fact, "The Acolyte," Disney/Kennedy's puke-inducing "Star Wars" streamer, cost a mind boggling $225 million to make. Just ponder that. This hideous show, which caused people to either laugh or scream, is widely considered a piece of trash and yet it cost TWO TIMES more than Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, which has already brought in $335 million.

27) Star Quarterback Matthew Sluka abruptly quit the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) after transferring from Holy Cross because his "Name, Image, and Likeness" payments were not made. Can we just stop lying and pay these people and call them professionals?

29) The greatest female singer in rock and roll, Ann Wilson of "Heart," has completed her chemo and was pronounced cancer free. Good for you Dreamboat Annie.

30) Morgan Freeman will present an award to legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood at the Monterey Jazz Festival. Freeman co-starred with Eastwood in "Unforgiven." I have to say, I was never impressed with Eastwood's sparse scores. Just my taste.

32) I know. There are cases to be made for "Mickey" or "Take On Me" or even "Macarena," but in terms of longevity, "Brandy" as the best one-hit wonder ever.


33) A Kollyfornia judge has now handed down a ruling against fluoride in water. It won't be long until we are at that scene in Woody Allen's "Sleeper" where he wakes up in the future and is given a plate of greasy bacon and cigarettes: "We found that these are the most healthy things for you."

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo

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