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Writer's pictureLarry Schweikart

TODAY'S NEWS, August 5, 2024

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) It may be that all that cheddar Cackles received in her "$100 million haul" was illegal and will be blocked, as multiple state AGs now have filed suit against ActBlue for their money laundering.

2) Tina Peters, the Mesa, Colorado county clerk who faces 20 years on criminal identity theft and official misconduct when she alerted officials to possible problems with the Dominion voting machines. She has subpoenaed Dominion execs. Note that she is not charged with election fraud.

3) A Kollyfornia man, Zijie Li, who attempted multiple times to get into Mar-a-Lago, claims he has documents showing the ChiComs' involvement in the assassination attempt.

4) The Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Mental Limits has rescinded the plea deal with Khalid Sheik Mohammed after victims' families of the 9/11 terror attack expressed outrage.

5) Not a huge deal===1 electoral vote---but this is indicative of the incredible voter registration shift going on nationwide in favor of the Republicans: in NE2, which President Trump lost by 22,000 votes, Rs have picked up net 13,000 in just this district.

6) The Department of INJustice has sued Tik Tok for violating the Child Privacy Law. To me this is a case of an alligator vs a python, and I don't care who wins. They're both bad.

7) Realizing they were out of time for any other options, the DemoKKKrats officially nominated Cackles. I thought Rutabaga could last three more weeks, but Cackles is just as good. Even David Axelrod admitted there is a lot of "irrational exuberance out there" for Cackles. Perhaps if the Hoax News media began covering actual voter registration changes as opposed to polls they'd see a totally different trend. In Pennsylvania, for example, just since they handed the nomination to Cackles, registration looks like this (thanks to @RealSKeshel):


MINUS 1,018


PLUS 2,133

NET R+3,151

Keshel notes that party changes have been 2:1 in favor of the GOP A.C. (After Cackles)

8) Shreklette Clinton (Chelsea) wants a spot in the Cackles administration. I'm sure she does.

9) These people are both dense and evil. Judge Chutkin, having been slapped down by the Supes on immunity, nevertheless has denied President Trump's motion to dismiss his case. This will NOT be tried before the election, and when Trump wins, it's moot.

11) It is important to understand what is happening with polling, which currently is flat-out lying, vs. actual voter registration data that shows Rs/Trump gaining substantially almost everywhere. Wherever we can track it, the numbers show Rs gaining net over Ds in every state except Kollyfornia.

12) Manhattan's West Side is overrun by the mentally ill and drug abusers. Dunno, this sounds like Rutabaga's administration.

13) Just more PC feces that Trump will have to get rid of. The USAF dropped the name "Crusaders" from one unit cuz, gee, it might offend Muslims. Maybe if they hadn't taken over the entire Middle East in blood there would be no historical "Crusaders" in the first place?

15) In peaceful and bucolic Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago), 43 were shot over the weekend but, so far, only two died.


16) Illegal criminal invader protests widened in the UK as Elon Musk warns "Civil War is Inevitable." Yep. Just as it was in Spain in the 1400s until they evicted the Muslim invaders.


17) The great Ryan Burge looks at religious changes in the GOP and finds that it is only slightly less religious than a decade ago, and that the new "post-religious right" is unlikely to be a moving force in GOP politics.


18) The UK's highest court ruled that preventing minors from getting puberty blockers is legal. Score one for mother nature.

19) Here is a horrifying tale of Scotland's premier "rape counseling center" being taken over by transoids who covered up sexual assaults committed by evil chodeduster men posing as women. Matters got so bad that even a transoid who "became" a woman was harangued as a transphobe for saying he didn't want to talk to male therapists. You know, about being a man-woman.


20) Although they didn't have many hits, Buffalo Springfield had a big one in "For What it's Worth" that began: "There's somethin" happenin' here, what it is ain't exactly clear . . ." (By the way, that was written about a Hollywood street riot, not about Veetnam). Anyway, somethin' is happenin' here: Warren Buffett just sold his Apple and went into T-Bills and cash.

21) The U.S. economy resembles a "temp agency" with so many part time jobs.

22) Meanwhile, large retailers continue to struggle, with Container Store, Whole Foods, and Best Buy looking at smaller stores. One of the worst hit, Big Lots, plans to close 300 stores. The Wayfair CEO says the retail crash reminds him of 2008=09.

23) That's not the only thing to crash. On Friday, the Dow plummeted 900, recovering to losing "only" 600, then at today's opening dropped another 1,100, recovering to 900 so far. In other words, since Friday the net losses have been 1,500 on the Dow. Just for the record, Trump took office with a Dow at around 16,400. In January 2021 when he left office---even after the China Virus crash---it was back up to 30,500 (+54%) while today it's at around 38,800 (or an additional +23%, much of it Trump's momentum. Trump doubled the stock market, while Rutabaga slowed its growth by half. Maybe that's why the VIX "fear index" soared. Trump refers to it as the "Kamela Crash."

24) Hertz's EV fire sale shows the "bloodbath" is only starting.


25) Masked gangs of Muslims in England are hunting down people with hammers and knives who are protesting open borders. Ah, what a lovely peaceful paradise Great Britain is today.


27) So many mixed feelings about "Deadpool & Wolverine." On the positive side, I saw "Deadpool and Wolverine." I was prepared to not even like it, even to not go. Boy was I wrong. It was extremely funny---a laugh a minute---and who cares about the story? I mean, seriously, when watching an Abbott and Costello skit did you worry about the story? And the cameos are stellar and the bashing of Disney/MCU is unrelenting. So I loved that. Clearly this group of writers got permission to say what needed to be said. Personally, I find it supremely ironic that the entire Marvel franchise, and, unfortunately, Disney, may be saved by one of the lesser known (nearly unknown) characters ("Deadpool") and by a character I never personally cared for, "Wolverine." Indeed going back to the original X-Men, I thought they ruined the series by including him as the main focus. But what do I know? The bad news? This movie will likely save Disney (even though it pays homage to all the SONY/Fox characters---except for Spider-Man). Anyway, the audiences have spoken: $842 million worldwide so far. Yes, it will make a lot of money. Coming on the heels of "Inside Out 2," Disney will now unfortunately top $3 billion worldwide in its last two releases.

28) Ben Affleck and J-Lo aren't speaking now. You can guess who I think is the luckier of the two. Their relationship was ridiculed in the "Deadpool" movie via a surprise cameo.

29) A gorgeous Paraguayan swimmer was banned from the Olympic Village after creating an "inappropriate environment." Like, what? Making the transoid boxers feel less feminine?


30) A major new meta-analysis of the China Virus vaxxes show they failed to stop the China Virus., while here is a new study of public trust in medical authorities, which has fallen from 71% pre-China Virus to only 41%.


32) Joe Rogan, the Kardashians, and other celebs are using a liquid anti-aging drug called NAD. I may try it, but my own health routine involves heavy doses of extremely hot Habanero salsa. It kills cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and any intestinal parasites in your body.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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