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TODAY'S NEWS, August 20, 2024

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

PROGRAM NOTE: I will be taking all next week off, partly to finish my latest book, America in the 21st Century. I will still do "Wake Up Patriots" (the Ed Henry Show) on streamyard Thursday at 12:00 noon EST. Also note my Twit account was hit by a system wide hack. Twit is resolving the problem. In the meantime I am only lightly posting at @LarrySchwe94560


1) President Trump retakes the lead in the Economist forecast. Last week was Cackles' high water mark. Indeed, this Cackles SuperPAC founder says the polls are "too optimistic" in her direction. Newsweak whines that Cackles suffered from a trio of "polling blows" before the election. Not sure I'd use "blows" and Cackles in the same sentence, but maybe that's why Cackles' campaign booted regular customers from a PA restaurant and brought in paid actors as "supporters." Meanwhile, Bubbay (RFK, Jr.) via his running mate says they are considering dropping out and endorsing President Trump.

2) This was a good one. J.D. Vance said giving Cackles control over inflation is like handing Jeffrey ("he-didn't-kill-himself") Epstein control over human trafficking policy.

3) Rifts have emerged between the Hoax News Media and the Cackles campaign. Consider that Andrea Mitchell, NBC News reported that J.D. Vance wasn't criticizing Tampon Timmy's military service but rather his lies about it.

4) The whole "lone assassin" timeline of the Trump shooter is in doubt as new video evidence shows the so-called shooter walking elsewhere at exactly the a cop texted that he was at a picnic table nearby.

5) I have to warn about this constantly on Twitter: Doomscrolling can affect your mental health. A study of 800 American and Iranian students found that doomscrolling is linked to anxiety.

6) Rutabaga was shunted aside into the wee hours of the morning for his so-called "primetime speech." He deserves every humiliation that these evil rectalzygotes can foist upon him. Didn't matter. the convention was half empty and "low energy." Outside, riot police clashed with pro=Hamas Murder Pirate protesters in a "mostly peaceful" confrontation. Look, these people need to realize they are utter cyphers---NOTHINGS---until they storm those walls. Get with it, Hamas murder pirates! Imitate "World War Z" and storm those walls. So far this is nothing like 1968 when protesters knew how to protest.

7) I jumped on a podcast with the Rush Limbaugh of Energy, David Blackmon and Stu Turley called the "Energy Question" to talk . . . politics of course!

8) Georgia is now getting quite safe with major election integrity rulings. Even the New York Slimes admits they probably can't steal Georgia. Or Arizona. Or Pennsylvania.

9) The latest requires election workers to compare total votes with identified voters IN THE SYSTEM and to withhold certifying until the discrepancies are addressed.

10) But of course. Little Deandre in the hood can't pass a test because tests are full of "white supremacy," you know like two plus two equals four (not "fo") and that there are actually things that can be proven by science and that there are real historical events that occurred where black peeps did not have a major part of. Hence, Kansas City schools will no longer allow a zero score---even if you got nothing right.


11) A criminal alien killer allowed to participate in a "family" movie screening for "rehabilitation" rehabilitated himself right out of prison in an escape.


12) Jeffrey Carter says the correct term is not "the elite" but the "connected class." I get the distinction, but Angelo Codevilla pegged it years ago: "The Ruling Class vs. the Country Class."

13) Emerson College fired 10 employees and saw enrollments drop after their pro-Hamas Murder Pirate protests. Gee, can't imagine why. Meanwhile, Columbia U "waved the white flag" by failing to expel a single student who engaged in the campus takeover. Shocked, I tell ya!

14) I've been warning you this was coming. "Return of the Gods," as Texas gets a 90 foot statue to a pagan Hindu "god.".

15) The New York Slimes went after Shen Yun Performing Arts, not because they are commies, but because they are backed by the anti-commie Falun Gong.


16) According to "Zerohedge," the super-wealthy have a problem. I'm not so sure. Few times in the past have the peasants risen up to such a degree that the "ruling class" has been threatened. It obviously happened in 1789 in France; to a much lesser and more temporary degree in 1863 in New York City with the Irish draft riots. But the ruling class/uber-wealthy are convinced they cannot be touched. They control the police (until the very end---see the scenes in "13 Hours: the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" where the paid local "security" runs at the first appearance of armed mobs. They control most of the media to, as Blind Lemon Don did, go out and tell people they aren't really experiencing what they are experiencing. In short, Without massive fundamental reform that GROWS the wealth of the lower class without simultaneously allowing the wealthy to stack more on their money piles, I'm no longer optimistic on this issue.

17) Ecommerce is the only thing holding up retail sales. Traditional brick and mortar stores have been stagnant for two years.

18) There is one blessing from inflation: It has forced major oil and gas producers to delay or scrap "carbon capture" fecalthinking. Back to "Drill, baby, drill."

19) It took this woman 73 hours to home charge a Kia.


20) Japan is turning uneaten food scraps into "food." Yeah, they did that at Woodstock, too.

21) Uke MPs are set to ban the nation's largest Christian Church, while religions are thriving in Pootie-poot's Russia.

22) Winken, Blinken, and Nod left the Middle East with no deal as the Hamas Murder Pirates rejected Rutabaga's latest cease fire proposal. Cuz, you know, they just respect him soooooo much.

23) England is now the "rape capital" of Europe. Again, maybe we should have waited a couple of years on Lend-Lease and Americanized England. 24) Oh, and allowing immigrants (mostly Muslim) to rape and pillage isn't enough. Kier Starmer's leftoid gubment is going to enact a "blasphemy law" to protect the murdering moongod imposter Allah.

25) Things aren't going well at Malawi's solar battery waste recycling facility.


26) Justice in the universe as "Star Wars: The Acolyte, Season 2" has been cancelled. Cut off its head, drive a stake through its heart, and bury it on Kathleen Kennedy's property.

27) DirectTV's NFL Sunday Ticket is nearly $700 this season. Hey, someone has to pay Dak Prescott to throw interceptions during playoff games.


28) There are new concerns about the rise of colo-rectal cancer. Traditional explanations involved "junk food," but a rash of super-fit youts challenges that. Ok, just spitballin' here but maybe, just maybe a type of vax was involved?

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo

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